Transform Your Cycle in 6 Months

Explore Holistic Period Relief

Experience the Difference with Pathways to Period Relief:

Your 6-Month Journey to Better Cycles

Does this sound like you?

Chronic Period Pain: Experiencing severe cramps, migraines, or body aches during your menstrual cycles that disrupt daily life and activities.

Irregular Cycles: Dealing with unpredictable or irregular periods, making it challenging to plan your life around your cycles.

Heavy or Prolonged Bleeding: Struggling with heavy or extended periods that lead to fatigue, anemia, or social embarrassment.

Emotional and Hormonal Imbalance: Suffering from intense mood swings, anxiety, depression, or irritability linked to your menstrual cycles.

What if things could be different?

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could finally wake up without dreading the pain of your period?

Imagine living your life without planning around your cycle, feeling in control and symptom-free every month

Wouldn't it be amazing if your period no longer dictated your mood, energy, or plans?

Picture having the confidence to live your life fully, knowing you’ve found a holistic way to manage your cycle

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could transform your period into something predictable and manageable?

Envision a future where you no longer suffer through heavy bleeding, intense cramps, or emotional rollercoasters, but instead, embrace your cycle with peace and ease.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

  • About 80% of individuals experience period pain (dysmenorrhea) at some point in their lives, with 20% reporting pain severe enough to interfere with daily activities (American Academy of Family Physicians).

  • Up to 30% of individuals report their period pain is so severe that they need to take time off work or school(American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists).

  • Nearly 90% of individuals experience some form of premenstrual symptoms (PMS), including bloating, headaches, and mood swings (Johns Hopkins Medicine).

  • Up to 70% of individuals experience some form of period-related fatigue, impacting their energy levels and daily functioning (National Sleep Foundation).

  • Nearly 50% of individuals report that their menstrual symptoms negatively affect their mental health, including increased anxiety and depression during their cycles (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists).

  • Around 60% of individuals experience bloating during their menstrual cycle, which can cause discomfort and body image issues (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists).

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:

Pathways to Period Relief

Pathways to Period Relief is a transformative 6-month program designed to help individuals understand their menstrual symptoms, find holistic solutions, and take control of their cycles. Through personalized support, symptom tracking, and expert guidance, you’ll reduce pain, optimize your hormone levels, and reclaim your life. Discover a path to more comfortable, predictable periods and a better quality of life

Here’s what you’ll get when you buy/join:


Monthly 90-Minute Webinar

Engage in an in-depth, interactive session each month covering crucial topics for your journey.

Value: $600


Two 1:1 Coaching Sessions Per Month

Receive personalized guidance and support to address your specific needs and challenges.

Value: $1,200


New Learning Module Each Month

Access comprehensive courses designed to deepen your understanding and skills.

Value: $1,000


Comprehensive Workbook and Handouts

Utilize tailored materials that reinforce your learning and keep you on track.

Value: $300


Personalized Implementation Plan

Follow a custom plan designed to help you achieve lasting results.

Value: $300


Comprehensive Materials Covering Key Wellness Areas

Gain in-depth insights into understanding the menstrual cycle, hormone function, nutrition, fitness, sleep, and mental health.

Value: $1,000

Get in on this special Fall 2024 pricing

  • Total cost of the program WITHOUT coupon code: $4,400

  • Normal discount for the program ($1,400): $3,000

  • Today's offer for the October 2024 Series Kickoff ($2,900): $1,500

Use code FALL2024 to get $100 off when you pay in full

Don't worry, we have payment options!

A total value of: (Amount)

Buy/Enroll/Join now for just (Amount)

A total value of: $4,400

Enroll now for just $1,500

Select the plan that works for you:

Payment Plan

Break the cost into 6 payments

Only $250 per month

Pay in Full Plan

Pay in Full for a $100 discount

Only $1,400

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